Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Day 7

9:00 a.m.

Good Morning!

Dream Log: Was on an ice pond with the President of the United States, the VP (Who was Al Gore strangely enough) and the entire Secret Service detachment. We were finishing up a meeting and the VP was whisked away across the ice in the presidential motorcade and away he went.

The prez then went over to this igloo and slipped into the entrance (which was tiny) and I followed. The entrance was so small that I was afraid to go in as I felt it was too tight and small. He went in and I stuck my head in to watch where he was headed.

He jumped into this plastic tube and was shot off along this waterslide like contraption to the White House. Dream shifts at this point to a schematic of all the water slide type routes that are under the White House.

Never did get the nerve to try it myself though.

Weird huh?

OK. Today I am feeling much better. The angst of yesterday and the day before seems to be subsiding, giving credence to the theory that all I needed was a few days to chill and I would be fine.

Wrote like a madman on my songs last night and made some really good progress. I think with J's help I will really be able to turn out some decent material, at least for open mic nights.

It's funny but true. The biggest hinderance to my being a better musician is I am too much the perfectionist with my songs. Need to leave well enough alone and just be happy when I reach a spot in the song that I like.

Update on the sister situation... Seems she is ok after all.

1 comment:

bill voigt said...

The most bizarre part of that dream was that Al Gore was W's VP! What a nightmare...

Seriously though, I'm really looking forward to hearing those songs. When you're ready, send them my way and I can host them on my website so anyone can stream them from anywhere. We can do it up nice, with lyrics, a background of your name it.

Glad today's a little brighter for you.

>8 ^ )