Friday, December 22, 2006

Day 9

Dream Log:

A. I am playing a stand up bass in a elementary school. I don't know where I am supposed to be setting up to play so I am wandering around the school asking different people where I should be. I am very nervous about going on stage and I think I am getting lost on purpose.

The band members, once I find them, end up being people I don't know except one guy, my boss (who is a musician in real life funny enough). There are alot of moto MX dressed kids everywhere...

I am waiting for word on someone. I keep asking my dead sister if she has heard from this person yet.

While setting up on stage I am watching the lead singer of the group Alabama play the bass line from Sweet Home Alabama.

My boss comes over to me and another band member at one point and tells us both that my other boss is on his way and needs $100 to pay for the head of cattle. I know I have the hundred in my wallet but I don't want to give it up. The other band member finally pays it.

B. I am driving in a VW bus down a country road and I am pulled over by a couple of crooked cops. (I know they are crooked because the scene shifts to them discussing how they are going to plant a bag with a toenail and a fingernail in it on my van so the local cops will have to take over the case they don't want to deal with.

When they search the bus, they find empty bags of chips, cookies, etc. and they say "Oh you must have some incredible fucking munchies!" I quip back "Does this bus LOOK like it was cleaned recently?"

They let me drive off with the evidence in my bus but they pull me over a few miles up the dirt country road. They look in the bus for the evidence but they can't find it as I threw it out the window when I saw them plant it.

C. A bunch of friends and I are sitting around a table next to a big window having a meal together when I look out the window and it is snowing. It is snowing on Christmas Day in San Diego. This renews my Xmas spirit totally.

9:15 a.m.

One day before Xmas and finally my heart feels full of the Xmas spirit again! It has been three years that I have not celebrated Xmas in my usual fashion, all out!

No tree, no lights, no carols in the air... Not like me at all. I celebrate Xmas all year round usually. Well this is the last year that life interrupts Xmas. Next year the biggest tree, lights on the house, and carols as of Dec 1!

Merry Christmas to all of the world.

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